Wednesday, July 15, 2015


As in we FINALLY have an official start date to this whole thing.  August 5th, 5AM Dr. SpleenBEgone will slice and dice his way thru my abdomen and yank my spleen out in its entirety.    Lisa thought my appointment was with a Dr. Joe Hansen, but after we couldn't find a doc in Seattle with that name, we went to Dr. Johansen's. 
Dr. Joe is 70 and has done over 50 splenectomy's with people with Myelofibrosis and all 50+ have survived.  On top of that interesting tid-bit, Dr. Joe said that all of the patients transplants took, which is a great thing.  There's research that shows that transplants take better in patients that are spleen-less in Seattle.  I only want to go thru this crap once, not twice. 
Yea I thought I'd be deep in the transplant right now, but I'm pretty grateful that things have mulled along as they have.  With this shit show not kicking off when I thought it would,  I've gotten ride a couple days of bikes at Stevens Pass, then break my elbow, get surgery, try ketamine, morphine, oxy's, get 6 screws and a plate put in, do occupational therapy 2X a week, go to all of my kids swim meats, go down to Hood a 3 times, snowboard once (don't tell Lisa), cook for 45 dudes deep in the woods at CAMPiTA with Griff, and now throw a summer sales meeting with all of our reps. 
I'll get this surgery the morning that all the reps are leaving to go back home, then have a month to recover, and we'll start all that other good stuff the beginning of September.  Right in time for the boys to be back in school, busy, and with them occupying their time thinking about what boys think about rather than their miserable ass Dad, being the boy in the bubble stuck at home yelling at them to clean the house. 
This is the stain my greasy head left on the check out table at Dr. Joe Hansons. 

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