Friday, September 18, 2015

Chemo School weak too

To sum up this weeks 20 hours worth of visits at Seattle Cancer Care would be:  7 viles of blood given, stupid ass voluntary questionnaire done, radio active additive to my blood to see how my left ventricle works, meetings with the nutritionist, Chaplin, Dr. George Georges, pharmacist, swab of the nose, swab of the butt hole, bone marrow core sample from my hip bone, prescription for Marinol (synthetic weed), another prescription for Marinol cause the first one made me high as a kite and then the general nod in the direction from my Yellow Team Dr. and Head Nurse that this whole shit show is a go next Friday as I'm checking out healthy enough to handle all the crap that's gonna go thru me.

View from my bed post bone marrow sample while on Fentanyl.  Mmmmmm.  This photo obviously meant something to me while I was on drugs. I guess that's why it's called DOPE.

The one encouraging thing out of this whole week was meeting 28 year old Billy from Alaska.  I saw this kid walking in and out of appointments on Tuesday.  He was bald had that tint to his skin that tipped me off that he had been thru chemo and what not.  I haven't really figured out how to roll up to someone at Cancer Care and throw out the "so what do you have?"  But I was curious, cause this kid was young and he was one of the very few people walking thru that place with a smile on his face, after the fact.  Later that day Lisa and I were in the elevator going to another appointment and I was holding the transplant Bible that they give you and he was in the elevator.  He says, "you got a transplant coming up huh?"  "Yup"  "Well don't worry about it, I'm 30 days out of mine and I can tell you that going to all these appointments and classes are more painful than the chemo and transplant itself.  Just keep a good attitude and you'll do fine."  The elevator door opens up, we say "thank you" and walk out, then look at each other with tears running down both our faces.  Totally blown away.  Later in the week we run into him again and he tells us he had AML, which is Acute Myloid Leukemia, which is what my Myelofibrosis manifests into down the road if we don't handle business now.  He had the 6 days of chemo, then transplant and the dude honestly looked amazing for being 30 days out.

Pretty hopeful and anxious to get rolling at this point. 


  1. Great update yo! I like that pic, tips of your shoes :)

  2. Hell yeah man, that's awesome! What great motivation, I'm sure you guys were stoked to have run into Billy. OK, now get back to reading that bible... huh?!

  3. Wishing you the best Yo. Thanks for the update. Wayno

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. If anyone can overcome this, it's you!!!

  6. Yes if anyone can overcome this, I sure you will. Take one day at a time.
    Best wishes and keep posting. I would like to hear you are better.

    Cheer. Rahim Maarof.
