Monday, February 1, 2016

120 days post transplant

There are days we wake up and Lisa looks over and says to me "can you believe we went thru that crap?"  And I shake my head and go "yea right?"  Especially cause I'm feeling pretty back to normal these days.  Besides the fact that I still have to go to SCCA once a week for blood work and Dr.s meeting, take some 30 odd pills a day, shed skin cells like someone with their first sun burn, itch constantly, look like a refuge from Ethiopia, have to eat 3,000+ calories a day when I remember too, stay away from groups of people because people are filthy, walk around with legs and cankles filled with fluid and am still for the most part a hairless 12 year old when naked.  Other than that...I'm feeling great!  I'm back snowboarding, following the kids around the hill and getting my mind blown on how good they and their friends have gotten.  I've gotten almost a dozen days on hill since I self prescribed myself the chairlift 3 weekends ago and actually gotten to ride powder 3 times now.  This is my fifth week at work full time, and that too is pretty damn satisfying.  Last week was our yearly big tradeshow and we decided that flying and being around that many people was a risk too big and the reward wasn't that much so my boss Gumby figured out another way for me to be present and participate.  I spent 18 hours on Facetime Thursday and Friday talking to customers and industry folks thru an I-Pad mounted on a mannequin.  It was a trade show hit from what I was told, and more importantly sent the message that even though you may be down, you're not out.  

 Macs been riding like a little man these days.  Super fun to see him step his game up.
 Saturday 11" waited for us and Milo and I got back to sneaking into our favorite runs.
This was how I looked at the tradeshow.  Max Headroom. 
 I told my buddy Ben that I would be at the trade show and to come by and see me.  He did, then called me a Motherf*cker.
 It was good to talk to my old boss Keith Leifer.  Dude has hit me up every year on my birthday since I stopped working for him in 1996.
 Mellow conversation going on.
On Saturday we answered some Facetime calls from the convention center on the chairlift. 
 People were kinda pumped for me, but then after I told them we were floating on 11", I got the finger.
 Mac, Owen and Wyatt straight up winning.


  1. that last pic of you is amazing, you need that outfit! :P

  2. John it is Stroge I hope all is well pls call me or email me your cell I can't reach you
